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Every pound matters for railway track maintenance equipment. Our engine solutions offer single-side serviceability and optimal power to weight ratio.

At Hamilton Power Solutions, we know that every pound matters for railway track maintenance equipment, that is why we offer proven engine solutions that pack the needed power in a lightweight design. Contact us today to get started on the perfect fit power solution for your next rail maintenance equipment application.

Rail Maintenance

Rail Grinders and Rail Maintenance

We offer a wide range of engines from Deutz, Isuzu and Scania to meet the demanding needs for the Rail industry with an emphasis on engines for railway track maintenance equipment along with rail grinders. We have the rail industry expertise to offer engines with features that are must haves in the rail industry including engines with single-side serviceability, and optimal power to weight ratio.


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Hamilton Power Solutions has an extensive inventory of engines and parts for sale and a team of technical experts waiting to help you. Our team can help find the service replacement you are looking for. Connect with us to find parts, get service, or troubleshoot your problem.

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